Pay Day Loan

Pay Day Loan

Change the authentication method of the user to the non-LTI one. In the case of single sign-on via the SAML plugin, you will also need to provide a remote username. You can learn how to change the authentication method for internal and LDAP accounts and for accounts that require a remote username. You can set up the LTI connection to Mahara either for all your courses in pay day loans Canvas or for a single course.

The advantage of setting up the connection for your entire instance of Canvas is that your teachers do not have to set up the connection themselves and everybody connects to the same instance of Mahara and to the same institution. If you want to ive more control payday loans no credit check what institution in Mahara your learners shall connect, you can set up the LTI connection on the course level. You can choose to set up the connection via the Edu App Center or via manual configuration.

The manual configuration allows you to open Mahara in its own window rather than within Canvas. When you set up Payday loans no credit check via the Edu App Center, your Mahara instance is opened as iframe within Canvas reducing the space you have available to view Mahara. You will always see the Canvas navigation around it as well. For security reasons, Mahara prevents being embedded as iframe in another website.

If you want to use the Edu App Center and not set up Mahara manually (just slightly longer setup time), you will need to disable a security feature on Mahara, which is not recommended. If you want to have Mahara opened in a separate window, you can follow the setup instructions for that. If you choose to put the link in your site, all courses will have the link in their navigation.

If you decide to put the link only into your course, only your course participants will be able to access Mahara. Click the Mahara app that is presented to you. You are taken to a screen that shows you more information about the app itself. In order to add the connection to Mahara, you need to have set up Canvas as external tool in Mahara for your institution because you require the consumer key and consumer secret.

Name: You can decide what you want to call the app. The name you choose here will be the one displayed in your course navigation. Consumer Key: Paste the consumer key from Mahara for the LTI connection that you set up earlier. Shared Secret: Paste the consumer secret from Mahara for the LTI connection that you set up earlier. Click the Close button or the Close icon to abort the setup.

If you already have an account in the institution in Mahara with the email address you use in Canvas, you are taken to that account. If your email address does not yet exist in Mahara and you allowed for automatic account creation, an account will be set up for you.

If your email address exists in Mahara but you are not a member of the institution for which you set up the Canvas pay day loans integration, you receive an error message and will need to become a member of that institution before you can log in via Canvas.

The configuration parameters are available in your Mahara instance. Preconfigured tool: Select your Mahara instance from the drop-down menu. Certain fields are not editable when you choose this option as they are determined by the existing site-wide configuration.

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