Payday Advance

Payday Advance

For most tumor sites, a standard course of treatment is two to eight weeks, with treatments delivered five days per week. The length of each treatment will vary depending upon the tumor type and stage. The delivery of the proton beam to payday advance the patient lasts only a few minutes, although the total time spent in the treatment room will be longer (about 15 to 30 minutes) for positioning and adjustments pay day loans the equipment settings.

For daily treatments, the patient enters the treatment room and is fitted with his or her personal immobilization device. The patient is positioned with the aid of laser lights to within a few millimeters of the needed payday advance position, which by comparison pay day loans images obtained at the time of simulation to ensure the patient is properly aligned. In some cases, a cone beam CT system will be used to image the target before each treatment.

This special alignment and imaging process is repeated before each treatment to assure the highest precision. If special apertures and filters are needed for treatment, they are placed into position at some point during this process. A computer is typically used to scan and verify that the correct device has been loaded. Once positioning and treatment parameters are verified, the radiation oncologist and technologists step out into a control room located next to the treatment room and begin the treatment.

During the treatment, these therapists continually monitor the progress of radiation delivery, including several safety parameters. Therapists also watch and listen to the patient closely, using video cameras, to ensure they remain safe and comfortable during the treatment.

Once the prescribed radiation dose has been delivered, the computer shuts off the proton beam and the technologists re-enter the room to assist the patient in removing the mask or immobilization device. You should not feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure. Afterward, there may be some side effects, and they will be managed by your radiation oncologist in the same way they would be for any course of radiation.

Other factors that may influence how well you feel after treatment are how big a dose you are given and whether you are also getting chemotherapy at the same time. Common side effects include temporary hair loss and skin reactions in the direct path of the radiation and fatigue, especially when a large area is being treated. Side effects of radiation treatment include problems that occur as a result of the treatment itself as well as from radiation damage to healthy cells in the treatment area.

The number and severity of side effects you experience will depend on the type of radiation and dosage you receive and the part of your body being treated. You should talk to your doctor and nurse about any side effects you experience so they can help you manage them.

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