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And you can read more about these changes and our reasons for making them in pay day loan blog post here. As always your feedback is welcome. Substantive content on FederalRegister. The title portion of these boxes can be hovered over (or clicked) to view these additional content descriptions. This document has been published in the Federal Register. Use the PDF linked in the document sidebar for the official electronic format. Public Inspection documents are unpublished documents.

Click here to learn more about Public Inspection. Reader Aids help people use FederalRegister. Reader Aids information is not published in the Federal Register.

Enhanced content is content that has not been published in the Federal Register but is provided to the user to provide additional context. We've changed the way we display documents to make them easier to read and to make document tools more readily available.

Documents are now displayed in pay day loan single column and we've improved the display of tables and images within the documents. We've also added a utility bar that contains document tools, access to other formats, social media tools, etc. You can find this on the right hand side of published documents. This is part of our ongoing commitment to maintain and expand our API.

As part of this update we've added many more endpoints to our payday advance API to not only power FederalRegister. Take a look at our interactive documentation to see these new endpoints. The Public Inspection page may also include documents scheduled for later issues, at the request of the issuing agency.

Creating folders will help you organize your clipped documents. When this folder is created the current document will be added to that folder. Submit a formal commentRelevant information about this document from Regulations.

This information is not part of the official Federal Register document. It may list two or more persons to contact concerning different aspects of a document. For more information please see the Document Drafting Handbook sections on the use of For Further Information Contact in Federal Register documents.

The List of Subjects contains a list of index terms (List of Subjects) for each CFR part number cited in the document's heading. The terms provide a common vocabulary for indexing the rulemaking documents of all agencies and are the basis of the "CFR Index" prepared by the OFR. For more information please see the Document Drafting Handbook sections on the use of List of Subjects in Federal Register documents.

The Preamble arranges basic information on the "who, what, where, when, and why" of a document for the reader's convenience. For Rules and Proposed Rules it explains the basis and purpose of the regulatory text, but contains no regulatory text. For more information please see the Document Drafting Handbook sections on the use of Preamble in Federal Register documents.

Agencies provide a heading for each part, subpart, section, and appendix that they are proposing to amend. The Amendment Part section identifies changes or additions to the CFR. The regulatory text of a document must fit into the current text of the CFR. It should precisely identify and describe the changes made to the CFR.

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