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Hatfield said the mercury advisories are not intended to curb fishing or discourage people from taking advantage of the healthful choice of adding fish to their diet. People at highest risk of effects from mercury are women who are pregnant or may become pregnant, and children under the age of pay day loan, Hatfield said. Wright said testing has focused primarily on largemouth bass as an indicator species in the past but more testing has shifted to look at all species that pay day loan enjoy eating.

Support journalism that makes a difference Subscribe today. In general the highest mercury concentrations are found in the largest predatory fish, such as largemouth bass and other types of bass, saugeye, walleye pay day loans and flathead catfish. An information pamphlet available on the site offers information about mercury ingestion.

Using Birch Lake as an example, a person in one of the sensitive categories wanting to eat spotted bass is to limit consumption to two meals a month of fish that are 12-inches long or less and to eat none that are larger than 12 inches, Hatfield said. A person of lower risk has no restriction on smaller fish, and recommendation to eat two meals or less a month of larger fish. Wright said mercury is a naturally occurring heavy metal and that rough estimates of the material in the atmosphere have one-third naturally occurring, through natural evaporation or volcanoes or geysers, and two-thirds manmade through industry and other activities that involve fire and combustion.

She said she knows the warning about fish often is heard as a mixed message because, generally, fish is a healthy food source. Look for mercury lakes information at deq. For the full listing go to deq. Phone: 918-581-8357 Whenever Staff Writer Kelly Bostian posts new content, you'll get an email delivered to your inbox with a link.

Between the toxic algae blooms and the higher mercury in fish, you can tell Okies aren't very good pay day loans stewards of the earth. And with Scott Pruitt in control of the very EPA he despises, now every state can be Oklahoma. Are the other options, better, just as bad, or worse regarding mercury content. This article doesn't quantify "elevated levels of mercury in fish". Nor does the DEQ. But generally, anything over 0.

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